Our Bird Food Bundle Boxes Can Help!
Each box includes top quality foods to increase diversity in your bird's diet.
Our C4AW partners have come together to make it more convenient for you to get everything in 1 box!
Let's face it. Buying toys for a large bird can be tough. Giant toys take up a ton of room and not every big bird wants to chew big blocks. Indestructible toys are great in theory, but can lead to boredom when they can't be destroyed. Big birds love to fiddle with small pieces but sometimes small bits (like plastic, metal, etc) can be hazardous to them.
Enter... BIG CHIPPY!
Measuring 10" x 3.5" x 3.5", Big Chippy is nearly a POUND AND A HALF of clean, kiln-dried, North American pine that's been milled only miles from Cheep Thrill's HQ in Arkansas. We hand-select the boards, cut it up and carve it ourselves to create this beloved big block with over 16 FEET of grooves to chip away at. We designed Big Chippy to have the majority of chewing opportunities go AGAINST THE WOOD GRAIN so that each pieces comes off in a small chip, rather than a splinter. Hence the name... BIG CHIPPY.
So grab a Big Chippy for your flock and watch even the biggest guys go to town on a toy that's as compact as a liter of soda, but also natural and as full of fun as a toy that costs 3X the price.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the natural nature of this product, CHIPS CRACKS ARE POSSIBLE, even expected! The really cool thing is that a crack that divides the wood makes for an even longer lasting toy, since that's one more piece that a bird can't crack in one go.
Louann & Dr. Crean
My name is Louann, I’m the owner and creator of Parrotsrus on IG and I am honored to partner with Dr. Jason Crean, degreed biologist, zoo consultant, aviculturist and creator of the Avian Raw Whole Food Group on Facebook as founders of Collaborating 4 Avian Wellness organization (C4AW.org). We share a passion of helping all birds in human care by providing and having access to whats best to support avian wellness. Combined we have over 60 years of sharing our lives with birds. Dr. Jason Crean has given avian nutrition consultations and presentations internationally and has worked with world renown holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker for over 20 years.