Our Bird Food Bundle Boxes Can Help!
Each box includes top quality foods to increase diversity in your bird's diet.
Our C4AW partners have come together to make it more convenient for you to get everything in 1 box!
Hatched!™ Eggshell
Ultra-pure, 100% Organic source of crushed calcium. Transporter proteins in eggshell calcium significantly enhance bioavailability, making eggshell calcium 20% more absorbable than other forms of calcium carbonate. Supports eggshell production, heart muscle, nerve and bone formation. Hatched!™ is pure, sanitized eggshell manufactured in the US.
We have another terrific product for you. Hatched!™ Eggshell is a superior, completely safe way to provide your pets with the proper amount of calcium by letting them decide how much they need!*
This is different from typical calcium supplement products in that Hatched!™ Eggshell is NOT added to foods or water. No more worrying about under or over dosing your pets. Human-grade, FDA regulated facility and packaging, crushed, not powdered. This is pure, sanitized eggshell, each batch tested and passing with a Certificate of Analysis.
Also found in Hatched!™ Eggshell:
Phosphorus- The mineral Phosphorous is essential for life. One of its primary functions is aiding in the formation of strong teeth and bones. It also affects how the body manages carbohydrates and fats. Phosphorous helps make protein for the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues.
Magnesium- The Trace Mineral Magnesium is used medicinally as antacids and to help prevent seizures, or convulsions, such as in Eclampsia. It helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heart beat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps regulate blood glucose levels and aid in the production of energy and protein.
Amino acids- In the form of proteins, amino acids comprise the second-largest component (water is the largest) of human muscles, cells and other tissues. Many amino acids are used to synthesize other molecules, for example, the amino acid Glycine. Glycine is a sweet tasting crystalline substance and the principle amino acid within cane sugar. It's found in high concentrations within the skin, connective tissues and muscle tissues. Glycine is one of the amino acids necessary for the biosynthesis of creatine. Creatine provides muscles with a direct energy source and helps to build muscle tissue and strength. It's also helpful because it can help to prevent muscle degeneration.
Gelatin- Did you know that Gelatin is used by synchronized swimmers to hold their hair in place during their routines (it doesn't dissolve in cold water)? But, that's not why our birds need it in their diet. Gelatin is largely composed of the amino acid Glycine. This amino acid is needed not only for proper skin, feather (fur) and nail growth, but for optimal immune function and weight regulation. Gelatin acts as a digestive aid, as it can sooth and help heal the digestive track.
Collagen- Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body and is the substance that holds the whole body together. It is found in the bones, muscles, skin and tendons, where it forms a scaffold to provide strength and structure. is most commonly found in the skin, bones and connective tissue within the body, providing structural support, strength and a degree of elasticity (in combination with elastin).
Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. DRI Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1997. PMID: 23115811 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23115811.
Mason JB. Vitamins, trace minerals, and other micronutrients. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman's Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2011:chap 225.
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition September 2012
University of Maryland Medical Center, Magnesium
Eades M, Eades A, The Protein Power Lifeplan, Warner Books, New York, 1999
DrCarolynDean.com The Magnesium Miracle
The Merck Index: An Encyclopedia of Chemicals, Drugs, and Biologicals (11th ed.), Merck, 1989, ISBN 091191028X, 4386.
R.H.A. Plimmer (1912) [1908]. R.H.A. Plimmer and F.G. Hopkins, ed. The chemical composition of the proteins. Monographs on biochemistry. Part I. Analysis (2nd ed.). London: Longmans, Green and Co. p. 82. Retrieved January 18, 2010.
Latham, Michael C. (1997). "Chapter 8. Body composition, the functions of food, metabolism and energy"
Ward, A.G.; Courts, A. (1977). The Science and Technology of Gelatin. New York: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-735050-0.
Cole, CGB (2000), "Gelatin", in Francis, FJ, Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology, 2nd edition, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 1183–1188
WebMD Nutritional supplements and osteoarthritis, accessed 14 November 2014.
Medical News Today http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/
Louann & Dr. Crean
My name is Louann, I’m the owner and creator of Parrotsrus on IG and I am honored to partner with Dr. Jason Crean, degreed biologist, zoo consultant, aviculturist and creator of the Avian Raw Whole Food Group on Facebook as founders of Collaborating 4 Avian Wellness organization (C4AW.org). We share a passion of helping all birds in human care by providing and having access to whats best to support avian wellness. Combined we have over 60 years of sharing our lives with birds. Dr. Jason Crean has given avian nutrition consultations and presentations internationally and has worked with world renown holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker for over 20 years.