Our Bird Food Bundle Boxes Can Help!
Each box includes top quality foods to increase diversity in your bird's diet.
Our C4AW partners have come together to make it more convenient for you to get everything in 1 box!
Cold drafts and air conditioning can negatively affect the health of exotic birds. Keep your bird safe and warm with the K&H Snuggle Up Bird Warmer. This bird warmer attaches to the side of the cage, which allows birds to get close to the heat and stay comfortable.
The K&H Snuggle Up Bird Warmer is available in 2 sizes to accommodate different size exotic birds. It comes with a 12 volt power adapter.
Cleaning Instructions
Wipe clean with a damp cloth, soap, and water.
Which will keep a bird warmer–the Snuggle Up Bird Warmer or the Thermo-Perch?
These items serve two separate functions. The Thermo-Perch is meant to be sat on and keep a bird's feet warm. The Snuggle Up Bird Warmer is meant to be stood next to and the bird can snuggle up to it whenever he or she chooses. The Snuggle Up Bird Warmer offers a warm place to hang out, while the Thermo-Perch can be slept on or sat on.
Is there any way to control the temperature?
While not adjustable, our Snuggle Up Bird Warmer is thermostatically controlled to help maintain a bird’s ideal body temperature.
I see the electric cord has a spaced wire wrap around it. Is there a hard plastic conduit under the wire covering the cord or does the wire wrap cover only the electric cord?
There is not a hard plastic conduit covering the cord. If you are concerned about your birds biting through the electric cord while outside the cage, we recommend running it through PVC pipe for added protection.
Can I mount it horizontally?
Yes, you can mount this product horizontally if desired.
Can I hang my bird's Cozy Corner bed in front of the Snuggle Up Bird Warmer?
Please do not place the Cozy Corner in front of the Snuggle Up as this will prevent your bird from being able to snuggle up to the warmer and will defeat the purpose of the warmer. You can place the Cozy Corner to either side of the Snuggle Up, but we do not advise placing it directly in front of the product.
Can the heater be on when a night cover is over the cage?
Yes, the Snuggle Up Bird Warmer can be left on when a cover is on the cage.
Can I use the larger size with a smaller bird?
Yes, you can use the larger size with a smaller bird.
Can I use the snuggle up bird warmer in my outdoor aviary?
If you make sure the Snuggle Up Bird Warmer is protected from the weather, you could use it in an outdoor aviary.
I have a (insert name of bird species). What size would you recommend?
We recommend measuring your cage to determine which of the following sizes would be most appropriate for your situation.
How many of these would I need for a very large cage?
You only need one warmer per bird. They are not designed to warm the cage but rather to have the bird stand beside them and receive heat.
How long is the cord?
The cord is 6.5 feet long.
Can I use an extension cord with this product?
MET requires that all manufacturers put the extension cord statement “Do not use with extension cord” on every item that is MET listed by UL 499 standards. This is because they cannot test every extension cord on the market in conjunction with our products for safety. Also, MET suggests that an extension cord is not recommended as a permanent fixture and should only be a temporary solution when using any electrical product.
For more information on MET safety testing, please visit their website at www.metlabs.com.
How long can a heated product be plugged in?
MET Safety Laboratories suggests unplugging the bed if you leave your home on an extended vacation, as they do with any electrical appliance. Otherwise, it is designed for 24/7 operation and you can leave it plugged in all day. This item has been certified by MET labs to adhere to strict electrical safety standards. For more information, please visit www.metlabs.com.
Is there an off/on switch?
There is not an off/on switch. The perch is always on when plugged in.
Louann & Dr. Crean
My name is Louann, I’m the owner and creator of Parrotsrus on IG and I am honored to partner with Dr. Jason Crean, degreed biologist, zoo consultant, aviculturist and creator of the Avian Raw Whole Food Group on Facebook as founders of Collaborating 4 Avian Wellness organization (C4AW.org). We share a passion of helping all birds in human care by providing and having access to whats best to support avian wellness. Combined we have over 60 years of sharing our lives with birds. Dr. Jason Crean has given avian nutrition consultations and presentations internationally and has worked with world renown holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker for over 20 years.