Our Bird Food Bundle Boxes Can Help!
Each box includes top quality foods to increase diversity in your bird's diet.
Our C4AW partners have come together to make it more convenient for you to get everything in 1 box!
Organic Palm Oil
My main reason to offer this regularly to my flock is for insuring they have ample Vitamin A. In my opinion, Red palm oil has great health benefits and is a highly concentrated source of Vitamin A, with 15 times more carotenoids than carrots (you can tell by the beautiful, rich red color). Vitamin A is one of those areas that birds on processed diets or not a diverse enough diets seem to lack.
How I offer these great oils: 1. Smear it on a favorite raw food such as sliced bananas (I try to switch off every other day between coconut & palm oils) 2. I also add both oils to my Kramer’s Bird Bread from TOPs Parrot Food and Bird Street Bistro to sneak in the added nutrition 3. I don’t exactly measure but I would say about 1/8-1/4 teaspoon per serving for a medium size and large size bird
Louann & Dr. Crean
My name is Louann, I’m the owner and creator of Parrotsrus on IG and I am honored to partner with Dr. Jason Crean, degreed biologist, zoo consultant, aviculturist and creator of the Avian Raw Whole Food Group on Facebook as founders of Collaborating 4 Avian Wellness organization (C4AW.org). We share a passion of helping all birds in human care by providing and having access to whats best to support avian wellness. Combined we have over 60 years of sharing our lives with birds. Dr. Jason Crean has given avian nutrition consultations and presentations internationally and has worked with world renown holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker for over 20 years.