Our Bird Food Bundle Boxes Can Help!
Each box includes top quality foods to increase diversity in your bird's diet.
Our C4AW partners have come together to make it more convenient for you to get everything in 1 box!
The Small Snack Bar is made of parrot safe SPF softwood, 1.5"x 1.5" x 11” long with SS bolt on and wing nut. 2 stainless washers included. Rotate for the signature Parrot Enrichment peek-a-boo feature and more challenging chewing and foraging.
I created Snack Bars to encourage new foragers, as well as providing different foot positions for tactile enrichment. Simply rotating the perch provides your more experienced forager with a new way to engage with the perch as a challenge to chew and a different position for their feet.
SPF stands for spruce, pine, and fir, and it refers to dimensional lumber derived from coniferous trees in North America. While most SPF lumber comes from Canada, it can also originate from trees in the northern United States.
Proudly Made in the USA
Louann & Dr. Crean
My name is Louann, I’m the owner and creator of Parrotsrus on IG and I am honored to partner with Dr. Jason Crean, degreed biologist, zoo consultant, aviculturist and creator of the Avian Raw Whole Food Group on Facebook as founders of Collaborating 4 Avian Wellness organization (C4AW.org). We share a passion of helping all birds in human care by providing and having access to whats best to support avian wellness. Combined we have over 60 years of sharing our lives with birds. Dr. Jason Crean has given avian nutrition consultations and presentations internationally and has worked with world renown holistic veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker for over 20 years.